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At Salva Health we believe that innovation through health technologies can help us solve many of the healthcare challenges that we face as a society.
We have developed our first product: Julieta that helps in risk screening for breast cancer. This can potentially lead to early detection and a substantial drop in the mortality and morbidity rates associated with this type of cancer. Julieta by Salva Health

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1 in 6 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Despite its encouraging 90% survival rate when diagnosed in early stages, in late stages, the survival rate drops to 30%. Unfortunately, 60% of new cases are diagnosed at a late stage. As a result, it remains the leading cause of cancer-related death among women.
The increase in mortality primarily results from late detection due to limited access to diagnostic tests. Even though currently available exams are effective in diagnosis, these devices face significant acces barriers, which limit their availability. Mainly due to their: High costs of acquisition and maintenance. Infrastructure and specialized personnel to execute and interprete readings. Radiaton exposure that limits the population that can use the devices. General discomfort, such as fear and pain, experienced by women during the screenings.
here is where our puzzle begins: if women cannot reach the diagnostic devices, then the devices must reach the women.
Our Goal

Our goal with Julieta is not only to create a screening device that can detect breast abnormalities but also to redesign the healthcare system for women, providing them with access to affordable and safe screenings.

Offering all women, everywhere, a fair chance for early detection of breast cancer.

Our device is able to detect healthy and unhealthy tissues as a way to identify woman that may be at risk of breast cancer. With this tool, we will be able to prioritze those women who are at risk so they can be properly diagnosed and treated.
Our device's features includes: portable, painless, automatic, ai trained, radiation free and inexpensive.
with the sole purpose of saving lives
Our Vision

Our vision is to create a fair and healthier world where everyone has access to affordable and effective healthcare solutions, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status.

Soy Julieta, the Colombian device that seeks to reduce breast cancer mortality with AI.
The portable breast cancer early detection device with AI that does not need internet access.
Soy Julieta, the story of the device created in Colombia that becomes a hope to detect breast cancer on time.
This is Soy Julieta, a device that allows women to detect breast cancer risks.
Latin American female entrepreneurs stand out at Unlock Her Future 2024 by The Bicester Collection.
100 Innovators of Latin America 2023.
'Julieta: the revolutionary Colombian device to detect breast cancer in remote populations
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